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PDX Coffee News

Wednesday, July 9, 2008


My knowledge of coffee can be summed up in this:

  • I like it!
  • I know what I like.
  • I know what I don't like.
To a certain degree, I don't want my knowledge of coffee to get much more developed than this because, I would assume, that this is representative of most coffee drinkers. Given these critical pieces of information, I've decided that, for the moment, my evaluation of coffees and coffee shops will be based on the quality of three main factors:
  1. House blend drip coffee.
  2. Double shot espresso.
  3. Atmosphere.
While this is a subjective and elementary set of metrics, I think it's a good place to start at since it forms the core of the coffee house experience. Most drinks served at a coffee house include shots of espresso or are drip coffee and everyone is subjected to the atmosphere. Put it all together and you can get a good idea of the overall experience.

I'll keep thinking about this and refining it as I go. Now that some of the ground rules are set it's time to go get that first review!

One final note: the current header graphic is a picture I took in Baghdad of one of Saddam's Palaces. Not really relevant to the topic of coffee, but I thought it was cool. I'll replace it with something else when I find an appropriate picture in my archive.


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